You can use the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer to work with local Storage Emulator resources. Look for ' (Emulator - Default Ports) (Key)' under 'Local & Attached' in the Storage Explorer resources tree after you've installed and started the Storage Emulator. Initialize the storage Emulator to use a. You can make the text in Storage Explorer larger via zooming in. To zoom in, click on Zoom In in the Help menu. You can also use the Help menu to zoom out and reset the zoom level back to the default level. The zoom setting increases the size of most UI elements. Open Storage Explorer. In the left pane, expand the storage account containing the file share you wish to view. Expand the storage account's File Shares. Right-click the file share you wish to view, and - from the context menu - select Open.


Screen Readers

Storage Explorer supports the use of a screen reader on Windows and Mac. The following screen readers are recommended for each platform:

PlatformScreen Reader
MacVoice Over
Linux(screen readers are not supported on Linux)

If you run into an accessibility issue when using Storage Explorer, please open an issue on GitHub.


You can make the text in Storage Explorer larger via zooming in. To zoom in, click on Zoom In in the Help menu. You can also use the Help menu to zoom out and reset the zoom level back to the default level.

The zoom setting increases the size of most UI elements. It is recommended to also enable large text and zoom settings for your OS to ensure that all UI elements are properly scaled.

High Contrast Themes

Storage Explorer has two high contrast themes, High Contrast Light and High Contrast Dark. You can change your theme by selecting in from the Help > Themes menu.

The theme setting changes the color of most UI elements. It is recommended to also enable your OS' matching high contrast theme to ensure that all UI elements are properly colored.

Shortcut Keys

Window Commands

CommandKeyboard shortcut
New WindowControl+Shift+N
Close EditorControl+F4

Navigation Commands

CommandKeyboard shortcut
Focus Next PanelF6
Focus Previous PanelShift+F6
Account ManagementControl+Shift+A
Toggle Side BarControl+B
Activity LogControl+Shift+L
Actions and PropertiesControl+Shift+P
Current EditorControl+Home
Next EditorControl+Page Down
Previous EditorControl+Page Up

Zoom Commands

CommandKeyboard shortcut
Zoom InControl+=
Zoom OutControl+-

Blob and File Share Editor Commands

CommandKeyboard shortcut
BackAlt+Left Arrow
ForwardAlt+Right Arrow
UpAlt+Up Arrow

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Editor Commands

CommandKeyboard shortcut

Other Commands

Download Azure Storage Explorer Tool

CommandKeyboard shortcut
Toggle Developer ToolsF12